Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16th

Going to be a long day - and its not even half over. I have a stupid head cold. Figures. But I kinda expected it when they pulled my infected teeth on Friday. Now Dallas is sick tho. She come into the bedroom this morning asking me if she could stay home - sooooooooooooooooo not like her. She was sniffling and sneezing and coughing. And of course - running a fever. So I've been feeding her meds all day, and keeping her snuggled up. We cuddled and slept in, now she's watching 'Save the last dance' and bundled up on the sofa.

Scentsy is going well - we are halfway thru the month and halfway to our goal. Thats awesome IMO. Hoping soon that I generate enough money that we can start paying off old bills and taking care of a few things.

Missing my hubby more each day while he is at work for some reason. Not sure why. I'm used to it now, him going to work. But for some reason, I terribly miss him and wish he was home. Maybe it has to do with him being home so much last month due to being sick. And I must of just got used to spending my day laughing and hanging out with him.

Super excited for Convention this fall. 4 days, hubby and I, no kids. Scentsy events. Its really gonna be fun! I can't wait. Hopefully everything works out so we can go! This is one year I am going to wish that Summer will hurry up and fly by!!

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